
Work Your Magic.

* Employer Value Proposition

* Employer Branding

* International Campaign

A New Global Employer Brand Proposition

With demand for leading scientists, researchers, and technologists at an all-time high, finding (and keeping) the best science and tech talent has never been so tough! So, to attract the world’s most ambitious candidates to Merck we created Work Your Magic – an aspirational Employer Value Proposition to drive the company's global hiring and HR activities.

Keeping it real:
Merck employees from across the globe take centre stage in our creative solution.

The Challenge
Merck’s previous EVP was launched back in 2016. Since then, the company has seen a number of changes including high-profile acquisitions and the arrival of a new CEO. And with the changed values, needs, and behaviours of a post-pandemic workforce, it was clear that a new approach was required to boost Merck’s position globally as an attractive employer.

Work Your Magic responds to the ambitions of science and technology professionals everywhere.

The Solution
Work Your Magic is our aspirational response to the personal research ambitions of employees and new talents. Three simple words to inspire science and tech professionals to pursue novel ideas in healthcare, life science, and electronics. With its simple, impact-driven approach Work Your Magic builds on the strategic groundwork carried out with client focus groups to form a tangible, hands-on message for specialists in manufacturing and non-manufacturing roles.

In the zone:
The magic usually happens when we’re given the time and space to really focus on our work. Our visual concept captures this special moment and presents engrossed Merck employees from the perspective their work.


The strategic foundation created by Fork and fischerAppelt advisors has led to a truly excellent creative execution. Together, we’ve developed a campaign that shares unique perspectives of how our colleagues work and grow. Work Your Magic helps us reach wider target groups with a simple and aspirational message.

Henriette Fink, Global Head of Employer Branding at Merck

The playbook:
To introduce the new EVP to Merck's talent managers, recruiters, and HR teams across the globe, we created a campaign playbook as a definitive guide on how to use, localise, and extend the new campaign across different markets and business fields. We also trained Merck teams to work their magic in interactive enablement sessions.

Nine languages, one message:
We localised the Work Your Magic message into eight languages for maximum impact in local markets

The Effect

Work Your Magic is Merck’s first truly global Employer Value Proposition. With its aspirational message and unmistakable visual style, the campaign will play a major role in supporting and nurturing the company’s Human Resources and recruitment activities in the years to come.

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Magic in motion:
We showcase "Work Your Magic" with an animated campaign trailer that brings employee ambitions to life

Putting it on paper:
We worked our magic on the company’s recruitment brochure, revamping its design and content.

- 12 Images

Picture perfect:
See all current Work Your Magic campaign motifs

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